Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kindergarten is a vacuum!

So here it is November already and I'm realizing that Kindergarten is a vacuum. It sucked up all of our time during the fall. Maybe it's just me but the addition of only two more days of school as week makes our schedule twice as busy. Both Courtney and I are enjoying the new friends and activities. The "school" aspect is so different from preschool. And yes. I did cry most of the first week. Court did great! Her mom was a mess.

So it's a few weeks in and just when we think we have a handle on things our whole house gets sick. It was awful! Between the three of us we missed almost two weeks of school/work. We did play a lot of legos and UNO though. Now it's November and the beginning of the holidays. Will we ever get caught up? Family is coming for thanksgiving. Mike is working what we hope is his last year at the Festival of Trees. I am hiring new staff, training the group, placing orders and generally going a little bit crazy every day. But hey, it's Wednesday, what else did I have to do today anyway?

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