Monday, November 9, 2009

Exercise Overload

So this weekend I started walking again. And for a nice easy introduction to exercise decided to tackle a 4 mile hike. Now granted it was all flat, so no real incline was involved. But this body has not experienced any exercise since P.E. was mandatory in high school! Needless to say I was a little tired when it was all said and done. And thank goodness for my walking partner or I would have given up and gone home. After a short rest period, basically me passed out on the couch for the next 2 hours, it was time to go to work. The studio is in that pre-holiday state where it seems to get busier every day. So my Saturday evening included a busy studio, not an empty table in the joint, two parties and loading one kiln. After 6 hours of being on my feet and busy I was getting a little cranky! My darling husband did come and help out for the last hour thank goodness. It was pretty much home to bed after that day of madness.
Fade into the next morning.... and it truly was a fade in....took quite the negotiating skills to get my body out of bed. And what is on the agenda for this blustery Sunday morning? Cleaning gutters and stacking wood at the grandparents house. Mind you, my grandparents have about 6 acres of property and are 79 and 82. Thankfully Mike is happy to help and we try and get up to their house once a month or so and help out with whatever they need done. So Mike worked on cleaning the gutters and Courtney and I cleaned out the barn (no actual animals anymore, mostly storage for the various family members and the studio). We packed up a few display pieces to take to the studio and put more things away that needed a home in the barn. After this project we stacked two cords of wood in the wood barn and loaded a truck full to bring down to the house. We filled up the wood stack at the house and got everything covered back up. Finally it was time to call it a day and go in for some of GG's stew and biscuits. I tried to convince the family that if you are supposed to get 20 minutes of aerobic exercise 3 times a week that I had, in two days, exercised enough for the rest of the year. They didn't buy it. I'm going to keep working that angle. At least until next weekend when it's time to walk the trails again.
And now I will stop wining about my excessive exercise this weekend and get back to work. Have you ever noticed how you feel better after you complain for a minute? Thanks for letting me complain! :)

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